Superintendent's Message
Hello, my name is Lupe Gutierrez-Nieves. I want to welcome you to the Laton Unified School District website. It is with great honor that I serve as Superintendent. For the past 19 years, I have worked in the capacity of paraprofessional, teacher, and district administrator. I am dedicated to this community. Having been a student and a product of the Laton Unified School District gives me the drive to work hard for our students, teachers, and our wonderful Laton community.
At LUSD, we value traditions and embrace the present and the opportunities set forth before us. Our primary purpose is to prepare our students for their futures. The Board of Trustees is caring and dedicated to doing the very best for the students, staff, parents, and the Laton community. Every member of our school district is here to serve. We recognize that building positive and productive relationships is the key to student success, in and out of the classroom. In my time as superintendent, I have come to recognize that the caring atmosphere and supportive environment are what make Laton a unique place to work and go to school.
I would like to welcome and invite all visitors, parents, and community members to access our school website, contact us, or visit our sites. Please let us know if we can assist you or your student. By following our district mission and vision, working together and forming long-lasting relationships, we will achieve success for our students, our school, and our community.
Thank you for your interest in our school district. I look forward to working with you and doing what is best for students.
Lupe Gutierrez-Nieves
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead